Nov 04, 2018 - Nov 04, 2018
Downingtown, PA
- 2024
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- 2027
Video from this event has been provided FOR FREE. The film has already been delivered, it was sent to your club coach, director, or individual who registered the team for the event who has an admin control panel to distribute the film to all the players. If your coach has not yet sent it out on your end, you can order the film (for $0, you will not be charged) right from this page and instantly access it.
The film stores has closed.
To inquire about obtaining this film, please contact us here.
Film Package Options
Single Game Package - Free
Choice of one game(s) from this event
Single User License - Access to view full game and download your clips
Select game AFTER purchase in your customer dashboard
Access to view full game streaming and download your clips
closeA Single Game Package includes a copy of ONE professionally filmed game(s). You can select from any regulation game played throughout the tournament. If the event contains an All-Star, playoff, or championship game, these games may be chosen as your game(s). You will receive access to the footage digitally, a hard copy will not be sent. Please Note: This package comes with a SINGLE USER LICENSE. What this means is only you will have rights to access and download the footage, you CANNOT share with others who did not purchase the game(s). You will be able to view the entire game(s) streaming online and download up to twenty 45-second clips of your athlete from the game(s). These clips are 100% editable and can be used with any editing software. It in no way restricts your ability to edit the footage into a recruiting highlight reel for your athlete. The ability to download an entire full game file not in clip form is restricted with a Single User License and is only available with a Team Package order containing a Multi-User License. After the event you will get an email notification the film is ready prompting you to log in. At that point you choose your team from a dropdown and all of your games will populate, you can watch a 30-second preview of each game and choose the one(s) you want to get full access to. The film is muted to protect event spectators that are unaware their audio is being recorded. Sound in the game film does not affect the recruiting value of game film.
All Games Package - Free
All games your team played in at this event
Includes any all-star, championship, or playoff games
Single User License - Access to view full game and download your clips
Select game AFTER purchase in your customer dashboard
Access to view full game streaming and download your clips
closeBy purchasing the All Games package you will receive an unedited digital copy of ALL games that YOUR team played in at this event. If the event contains an All-Star, playoff, or championship game, these games will be includes as well. All games refers to all games for ONE Team (not all games at the event). If you play on two teams, you will need to order a second video package to get access to a second teams worth of footage. You will receive access to the footage digitally, a hard copy will not be sent. Please Note: This package comes with a SINGLE USER LICENSE. What this means is only you will have rights to access and download the footage, you CANNOT share with others who did not purchase the game(s). You will be able to view the entire game(s) streaming online and download up to twenty 45-second clips of your athlete per game(s). These clips are 100% editable and can be used with any editing software. It in no way restricts your ability to edit the footage into a recruiting highlight reel for your athlete. The ability to download an entire full game file not in clip form is restricted with a Single User License and is only available with a Team Package order containing a Multi-User License. After the event you will get an email notification the film is ready prompting you to log in. At that point you choose your team from a dropdown and all of your games will populate into your video library. The film is muted to protect event spectators that are unaware their audio is being recorded. Sound in the game film does not affect the recruiting value of game film.
Team Package - Free
Multi-User License - Ability to distribute to the team and download full game files
Split price with team
Less than $14 per player per game when whole team orders
Discounted highlight reel for players
Admin control for purchaser to distribute to team members splitting order
closeWhen purchasing a Team Package you will be receiving an unedited digital copy of every guaranteed game that your team plays in at this event. The pricing is one flat rate that we encourage you to split with other members of the team. All games will be filmed from the best vantage point the facility allows. Footage is sent digitally. The purchaser will gain access to a dashboard admin feature to send and distribute footage to other members of the team. Purchaser will be solely in charge of distributing access, and NLV will not do so. By purchasing with the team you will have multi-user access. This allows everyone who participated in the team purchase to have access to the videos and download the full game file. All footage is completely editable. Game film will have muted sound.
The film is muted to protect event spectators that are unaware their audio is being recorded. Sound in the game film does not affect the recruiting value of game film.
All Games + Standard Highlight Reel $150close All Games + Standard Highlight Reel
All Games + Premier Highlight Reel $250close All Games + Premier Highlight Reel
Highlight Reels
Rats! Invalid video url submitted
Standard Highlight Reel $150 Regular Price - $250, save when ordered with this event-
Text intro page with bio, achievements, etc
Spotlight on each play
20 play maximum in the order you submit (you pick the plays)
Can submit additional film to use
closeNLV Standard Highlights are an individual highlight reel for a player made using spot shadow isolation graphics. This reel can be made using any footage received from us PLUS anything else you may submit (your own home camera, other purchased film, spring season footage, etc...). You must watch and submit a time index of up to 20 plays you would like used in your highlight film to NLV. Plays will appear in your video in the order you list them on the index. If you want us to use film that is located on Hudl or Krossover, you must download it in order to send it to us through our file uploader that can be accessed from your customer dashboard. We will not log in to access your Hudl or Krossover accounts. Please review Section D of our Terms and Conditions for further information on what’s included.
Premier Highlight Reel $250 Regular Price - $400, save when ordered with this event
Text/Photo intro page with bio, achievements, etc
Isolation Spots
Tracker graphics that move with the player
Specialty graphics (Face-off/Draw Enhancement, Assist Vision, etc)
25 plays maximum (you pick the plays)
1 Round of revisions (if needed)
Can submit additional film to use
closeNLV Premier Highlights are an individual highlight reel for a player made using our full line of graphics. This reel can be made using any footage received from us PLUS anything else you may submit (your own home camera, other purchased film, spring season footage, etc...). You must watch and submit a time index of up to 25 plays you would like used in your highlight film to NLV. If you want us to use film that is located on Hudl or Krossover, you must download it in order to send it to us through our file uploader that can be accessed from your customer dashboard. We will not log in to access your Hudl or Krossover accounts. Please review Section D of our Terms and Conditions for further information on what’s included.
Does NLV zoom in on one player?
What is the difference between Standard and Premier Highlights?
Can I use Footage NOT filmed by NLV in my Highlight Reel? How do I get it to you?
How does a Team Package work?
Does NLV Film from an Elevated Position?
Why do I need video?
How Do I Submit Plays or Additional Footage for a Highlight Reel?
Let us help. Reach out today
Our team is available to help answer any and every question that you can think of. We can simplify the whole process and point you in the right direction
Contact Us NowRefunds / Terms & Conditions
Next Level Video observes strict security measures related to sharing and security of footage. By purchasing video, you agree to the following terms of service document.
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