Feb 16, 2025 - Feb 16, 2025

South Weymouth, MA


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All games will be filmed from an elevated perspective

Please note, that this is for the Feb. 16th Boys College Showcase Tournament ONLY.











  • Save $26 by ordering before the event!

  • Save $26 by ordering before the event!

  • Save $26 by ordering before the event!

  • clear You must agree to the terms and conditions
Film Package Options
  • All Games Package $99

    Regular Price: $125

      • All games your team played in at this event
      • Includes any all-star, championship, or playoff games
      • Receive 3 different views of game film
      • Elevated position
      • Muted Sound
      • Online clipping tool 
      • Single User License: only the purchaser can access the film. You will be able to view the entire games streaming online anytime and download 100% editable clips of your athlete for use in highlight reels. Full download access is only available via the TEAM PACKAGE.
    View Full Description | Watch Video

    By purchasing the All Games package you will receive an unedited digital copy of all games your team played in at this event. If the event contains an All-Star, playoff, or championship game, these games will be included as well. All games refers to all games for ONE Team (not all games at the event). If you play on two teams, you will need to order a second video package to get access to a second teams worth of footage. You will receive access to the footage digitally, a hard copy will not be sent. Please Note: This package comes with a SINGLE USER LICENSE. What this means is only you will have rights to access and download the footage, you CANNOT share with others who did not purchase the game(s). You will be able to view the entire game(s) streaming online and download up to twenty 45-second clips of your athlete per game(s). These clips are 100% editable and can be used with any editing software. It in no way restricts your ability to edit the footage into a recruiting highlight reel for your athlete. After the event you will get an email notification when the film is ready prompting you to log in. At that point you choose your team from a dropdown and all of your games will populate into your video library. The film is muted to protect event spectators that are unaware their audio is being recorded. Sound in the game film does not affect the recruiting value of game film. If any moment of the game film is not captured by the standard view but is captured by the panoramic view, it will not be eligible for a refund. Please review our terms and conditions to see what quaifies for refund. 


  • All Games + Standard Highlight Reel $199

    Regular Price: $225


      • All games your team played in at this event
      • Includes any all-star, championship, or playoff games
      • Elevated position
      • Muted Sound
      • Online clipping tool 
      • Single User License: only the purchaser can access the film. You will be able to view the entire games streaming online anytime and download 100% editable clips of your athlete for use in highlight reels. Full download access is only available via the TEAM PACKAGE.


      • Text intro page with bio, achievements, etc
      • Spot shadow isolation effect on each play
      • 15 play maximum in the order you submit (you pick the plays)
      • Can submit additional film to use
      • You submit the plays online
    View Full Description | Watch Video

    By purchasing the All Games Package + Standard Highlight Reel you will receive an unedited digital copy of all games your team played in at this event along with a Standard Highlight Reel Package. If the event contains an All-Star, playoff, or championship game, these games will be included as well. All games refers to all games for ONE Team (not all games at the event). If you play on two teams, you will need to order a second video package to get access to a second teams worth of footage. You will receive access to the footage digitally, a hard copy will not be sent. Please Note: This package comes with a SINGLE USER LICENSE. What this means is only you will have rights to access and download the footage, you CANNOT share with others who did not purchase the game(s). You will be able to view the entire game(s) streaming online and download up to twenty 45-second clips of your athlete per game(s). These clips are 100% editable and can be used with any editing software. It in no way restricts your ability to edit the footage into a recruiting highlight reel for your athlete. The ability to download an entire full game file not in clip form is restricted with a Single User License and is only available with a Team Package order containing a Multi-User License. After the event you will get an email notification when the film is ready prompting you to log in. At that point you choose your team from a dropdown and all of your games will populate into your video library. The film is muted to protect event spectators that are unaware their audio is being recorded. Sound in the game film does not affect the recruiting value of game film. If any moment of the game film is not captured by the standard view but is captured by the panoramic view, it will not be eligible for a refund. Please review our terms and conditions to see what quaifies for refund. 

    Standard Highlights are an individual highlight reel for a player made using spot shadow isolation graphics. This reel can be made using any footage received from us PLUS anything else you may submit (your own home camera, other purchased film, spring season footage, etc...). You must watch and submit a time index of up to 15 plays you would like used in your highlight film. Plays will appear in your video in the order you list them on the index. If you want us to use film that is located on Hudl or another source, you must download it in order to send it to us through our file uploader that can be accessed from your customer dashboard. We will not login to your 3rd party accounts. Please review Section D of our Terms and Conditions for further information on what’s included. Our editors will not pick out your plays for you. 


  • All Games + Premier Highlight Reel $299

    Regular Price: $325


      • All games your team played in at this event
      • Includes any all-star, championship, or playoff games
      • Elevated position
      • Muted Sound
      • Online clipping tool 
      • Single User License: only the purchaser can access the film. You will be able to view the entire games streaming online anytime and download 100% editable clips of your athlete for use in highlight reels. Full download access is only available via the TEAM PACKAGE.


      • Text/Photo title card with bio, achievements, etc
      • Isolation Spot Graphics
      • Tracker graphics that move with the player
      • Specialty graphics (Face-off/Draw Enhancement, Assist Vision, etc)
      • 20 plays maximum (you pick the plays)
      • 1 Round of re-arrangements (if needed)
      • ​​​​​​​Can submit additional film to use
    View Full Description | Watch Video

    By purchasing the All Games Package + Premier Highlight Reel you will receive an unedited digital copy of all games your team played in at this event along with a Premier Highlight Reel Package. If the event contains an All-Star, playoff, or championship game, these games will be included as well. All games refers to all games for ONE Team (not all games at the event). If you play on two teams, you will need to order a second video package to get access to a second teams worth of footage. You will receive access to the footage digitally, a hard copy will not be sent. Please Note: This package comes with a SINGLE USER LICENSE. What this means is only you will have rights to access and download the footage, you CANNOT share with others who did not purchase the game(s). You will be able to view the entire game(s) streaming online and download up to twenty 45-second clips of your athlete per game(s). These clips are 100% editable and can be used with any editing software. It in no way restricts your ability to edit the footage into a recruiting highlight reel for your athlete. The ability to download an entire full game file not in clip form is restricted with a Single User License and is only available with a Team Package order containing a Multi-User License. After the event you will get an email notification when the film is ready prompting you to log in. At that point you choose your team from a dropdown and all of your games will populate into your video library. The film is muted to protect event spectators that are unaware their audio is being recorded. Sound in the game film does not affect the recruiting value of game film. If any moment of the game film is not captured by the standard view but is captured by the panoramic view, it will not be eligible for a refund. Please review our terms and conditions to see what quaifies for refund. 

    Premier Highlights are an individual highlight reel for a player made using our full line of graphics. This reel can be made using any footage received from us PLUS anything else you may submit (your own home camera, other purchased film, spring season footage, etc...). You must watch and submit a time index of up to 20 plays you would like used in your highlight film. Plays will appear in your video in the order you list them on the index. If you want us to use film that is located on Hudl or another source, you must download it in order to send it to us through our file uploader that can be accessed from your customer dashboard. We will not login to your 3rd party accounts. Please review Section D of our Terms and Conditions for further information on what’s included.

Highlight Reels
  • Standard Highlight Reel$125 Regular Price - $250, save when ordered with this event
      • Text intro page with bio, achievements, etc
      • Spot shadow isolation effect on each play
      • 15 play maximum in the order you submit (you pick the plays)
      • Can submit additional film to use
      • You submit the plays online
    View Full Description *This is an add-on, must add film package to cart first

    Standard Highlights are an individual highlight reel for a player made using spot shadow isolation graphics. This reel can be made using any footage received from us PLUS anything else you may submit (your own home camera, other purchased film, spring season footage, etc...). You must watch and submit a time index of up to 15 plays you would like used in your highlight film. Plays will appear in your video in the order you list them on the index. If you want us to use film that is located on Hudl or another source, you must download it in order to send it to us through our file uploader that can be accessed from your customer dashboard. We will not login to your third party accounts. Please review Section D of our Terms and Conditions for further information on what’s included. Our editors will not pick out your plays for you. 

  • Premier Highlight Reel$200 Regular Price - $400, save when ordered with this event
      • Text/Photo title card with bio, achievements, etc
      • Isolation Spot Graphics
      • Tracker graphics that move with the player
      • Specialty graphics (Face-off/Draw Enhancement, Assist Vision, etc)
      • 20 plays maximum (you pick the plays)
      • 1 Round of re-arrangements (if needed)
      • Can submit additional film to use
    View Full Description *This is an add-on, must add film package to cart first

    Premier Highlights are an individual highlight reel for a player made using our full line of graphics. This reel can be made using any footage received from us PLUS anything else you may submit (your own home camera, other purchased film, spring season footage, etc...). You must watch and submit a time index of up to 15 plays you would like used in your highlight film. Plays will appear in your video in the order you list them on the index. If you want us to use film that is located on Hudl or another source, you must download it in order to send it to us through our file uploader that can be accessed from your customer dashboard. We will not login to your third party accounts. Please review Section D of our Terms and Conditions for further information on what’s included.

How To Use Game Film

Why do you need video and what do you do with it?

The purpose of purchasing film is to use it for the college recruiting process. Players should start compiling a library of game footage in preparation to create a highlight reel. When contacting a college coach, one of the first things they'll ask for is to see your highlights. Other benefits of having film are to review your game play, show friends and family, and share on social media.

  • What is the difference between Standard and Premier Highlights?
    NLV offers two highlight reel packages. Standard and Premier. Both packages can be made from any film we produce as well as any additional footage you may wish to submit. The standard package includes an introductory bio screen, up to 15 plays which will appear in the order you list them AND an isolation spot-shadow graphics on every play. The premier package includes a title card, up to 20 plays, a complimentary round of re-arrangements (due within 7 days of receiving the first draft), additional isolation effects such as tracker graphics that follow a player as he or she move throughout each play. Premier is ideal for those looking for that extra level of support, customization, and enhanced graphic effects to make the player really stand out.
  • How does it work?
    We film all the games at an event for the age divisions we have listed. You can order copies of those games to watch anytime within your NLV account and use the film to create a highlight reel of the athlete. Film is the #1 recruiting tool used by collegiate coaches to evaluate a player. Best practice is to build up a library of game film and put together a short 2-3 minute video of an athletes best plays. Any film ordered from us can be cut up and used to create a reel on your end. For those that are not as tech savy, we offer services where our team edits the reel for you. It can be made from any film you order from NLV as well as any film you own and can submit!
  • Turnaround Time - How long does it take to receive footage?
    All footage will be sent within 14 days or less from the ENDING point of the event. It typically takes a few days, but again we stress it can take up to 14 days. It is possible that we will film over 1000 games including multiple events in once weekend. The number of games filmed in a weekend could dictate the turnaround time, footage will be made available within 14 days from the conclusion of the event.
  • How does film help me get recruited?
    Film, specifically an edited highlight reel, is a powerful tool in the modern recruiting process. It showcases your BEST plays from a potentially vast amount of material and efficiently allows college coaches to see what you're capable of. Film is not the end all be all in the recruiting process as there are many other variables involved, but there's NO DOUBT that it's become a necessity in modern recruiting. Film will also allow for you to send the plays of your choice to the coaches and schools you are most interested in. Coaches will not be able to attend every game and tournament, so sending them your film is the best way to put your athlete in front of college coaches and recruiters.

Let us help. Reach out today

[email protected]

Our team is available to help answer any and every question that you can think of. We can simplify the whole process and point you in the right direction  

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Refunds / Terms & Conditions

Next Level Video observes strict security measures related to sharing and security of footage. By purchasing video, you agree to the following terms of service document.

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